
How to find hidden cameras in your Airbnb rental

If you notice something looks different about a tech device in your room, check out the device and remove the battery backing. For instance, maybe you see the gadget has a different charger, a camera hole, a different type of battery, or a light that doesn’t belong. If you see any sketchy-looking tech, you can also search the brand and model number online to see if you’re dealing with a hidden camera gadget.


Want to build a combat focused culture in your unit? Start with your language

This initiative is about getting a mindset right and knowing that the name of an activity should convey its meaning and importance to the organization. I instituted the following changes within my battalion and immediately noticed a shift in how the activities were viewed and the priority placed on those activities. Granted, these changes were not in name only. We also changed the structure of each of those activities to match the intended outcome, but from the start it galvanized the battalion in a shared understanding of how these events would support us towards becoming a more lethal and ready battalion.


Hong Kong Protesters Deal With Tear Gas


Lessons of Nissho Inoue

Instead, as incongruous as it might seem, many are motivated, like Inoue, by nothing less than compassion’ or a deep concern for their compatriots. Kill one in order that many may live’ is how Inoue and his band put it. They believed compassion and concern for the wellbeing of the majority of the exploited and oppressed in Japan, especially the rural poor, justified their violent actions. It couldn’t be helped if a few had to die for the majority to flourish.


Millionaire Panic Rooms

People used to open up their garages and show off their Lamborghinis,” Weisberg said. Now they take guests to the wine bar in their safe room.” Catsimatidis, who, in addition to worrying about MS-13 has also had his home broken into, is installing infrared sensors at his place. But that’s nothing compared to the security measures that Al Corbi, president of SAFE (Strategically Armored & Fortified Environments), an architecture-focused security firm, has designed for customers, including Hamptonites.

I finished a system for $100 million,” he said of one West Coast project. That sounds like a lot but there is nothing I know of, human or manmade, that could possibly harm this family for three generations, including global nuclear holocaust, a pandemic or a second Ice Age.” Plus, he added, It’s like a Ritz-Carlton underground.”

Resources Terrain

The Red Gyms of England

0161 are part of a countrywide re-emergence of red gyms.” One of the most prominent is women-led Solstar Sports Association, based at the Refugee and Workers Cultural Association, a Turkish and Kurdish socialist community centre in Tottenham, North London. Solstar run boxing, martial arts and self-defence classes for adults and kids. It is based on socialist principles and is always run by three experienced female trainers, presently Ella Gilbert, Paula Lamont and Anna Zucchelli: they argue one of the simplest ways to fight sexism is to have women in charge, especially in what are traditionally male-gendered roles.

Like all their politics, this is a subtle, rather than headbanging approach — and the gym is free of the trite and self-congratulatory sloganeering of liberal feminism: the gym is women-led but decidedly open to all. I have attended several of Solstar’s sessions and seen some of the political events associated with the centre. Political interests are mentioned in the inductions, partly to ensure that it is a gym where people of all abilities and backgrounds will find a welcoming environment. But if an observer had missed the opening session, they could be forgiven for not noticing that this was a socialist gym. This is because organisations like Solstar know that normalising socialist principles in everyday life ought to be central in building any mass movement.
