
FCC Investigates Widespread CenturyLink Outage That Disrupted 911 Service

The FCC says its last investigation of a 911 outage was launched in March of last year. It fined AT&T $5.25 million for two nationwide outages in March and May 2017 that lasted a total of approximately six hours and resulted in the failure of 15,200 failed 911 calls.

In addition to disrupting 911 services, the CenturyLink outage also caused outages of Verizon network services in at least two states, New Mexico and Montana. Some ATMs in Montana and Idaho also failed to work, and at the North Colorado Medical Center in Greeley, Colo., doctors and nurses for a time had difficulty accessing patient records.


Malware Attack Disrupts Delivery of L.A. Times and Tribune Papers Across the U.S.

What first arose as a server outage was identified Saturday as a malware attack, which appears to have originated from outside the United States and hobbled computer systems and delayed weekend deliveries of the Los Angeles Times and other newspapers across the country.

We believe the intention of the attack was to disable infrastructure, more specifically servers, as opposed to looking to steal information,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. The source would not detail what evidence led the company to believe the breach came from overseas.


What It’s Like To Take An Anti-Fascist Self-Defense Class

Antifa aren’t the first leftists to promote self-defense against fascism. In founding Haymaker, Lanski said he was inspired by Pacifico Di Consiglio, a Jewish-Italian teenager who started an anti-fascist boxing gym in the Jewish ghetto in 1938 in the face of Mussolini’s anti-Semitic policies.

Haymaker Gym

Haymaker is an anti-racist, anti-sexist gym in Chicago. We provide self-defense, martial arts, and fitness classes to anyone in Chicago, regardless of ability and income level. Our gym is completely based on volunteer participation and all of our classes are free.

Most gyms sell their customers on ideals of strength and fitness. But we’re not here to make people fit in with damaging images of desirability and violent masculinity. We strive to organize ourselves and our gym on the basis of strength, solidarity, and autonomy.


The IRA Green Book: Guerrilla Strategy

The IRA Green Book was a training and induction manual issued to all new recruits. It explained the IRAs purpose, mission and methods, stressing the need for secrecy and commitment. This extract from the 1977 edition explains the IRAs strategy of guerrilla warfare:

Strategy Training

Two Waves” of Guerrilla-Movement Organizing in Latin America, 1956–1990

The organization of revolutionary guerrilla movements by the Latin American left came in two largely discrete waves. The first was occasioned by the success of the Cuban 26th of July movement against the late 1950s regime of Fulgencio Batista. Within less than a year it was triggering imitative efforts across Latin America via the cultural diffusion of its foco model” both indirectly and directly, as indicated by the timing, internal movement evidence, direct training, and other sources concerning the 1960s guerrilla movements. A clear dampening of such efforts followed upon the multiple failures of the imitators, the late 1967 death of Che Guevara in Bolivia, the withdrawal of Soviet-line communists in Latin America from their previous support for insurgency, and finally Cuba’s own rapprochement with the USSR. At this juncture, surviving” movements from the earlier period were few—notably in Colombia, less true in Guatemala and Nicaragua—but a second, narrower cluster of far larger, more intensive and active movements developed by the later 1970s. Such strong survivors or newcomers can be best understood, not as imitations of Cuba 1959, but via their new strategies of long-term patient organizing and by the types of closed regimes” they were confronting in the 1970s–1980s. They, too, then mostly faded away in the face of national-level experiences of massive military repression or ever-more-competitive electoral democracies.

Organization Strategy

The 9 Dirtiest and Most Effective Hand-to-Hand Combat Moves

When the military needs to get down and dirty with the enemy, it usually means a few things have gone wrong. It’s best for the US if fights are conducted at long range, where more assets can be brought in to assist.

Still, the enemy gets a vote, and, if they want to fight hand to hand, America is willing to oblige. Using the major weapons of the body” as well as grappling techniques, troops jockey for position and then strike any soft spots they can find, hurting, crippling, or killing the enemy.
