
Electrical Timers

The recipes in this manual were gathered from a variety of publications. They have all been tested many times. The recipes have been expanded to fill in missing steps, to add clarity and to warn about potential mistakes. This makes the instructions a lot longer but much easier to follow.

These recipes have been carefully crafted. You should read them with an equal amount of care. Every sentence is there for a reason. After you finish all the steps in the Construction” section, be sure to read the other sections. The Testing, Tips and Placement sections contain critical information.

Infrastructure Weapons

Being Held Hostage by the Cost of Insurrection

The death and casualty count from the US not having universal health care is far higher than any possible casualty count from these riots. Nor have as many people been killed during this insurrection as are killed by cops in the US every year (a number in excess of 1,000).

By the pure math, a very high cost should be acceptable to tear down the current order. If all that did was move police violence to a European number (1k), enact universal health care (26k), end wars (slightly under 1k), and allow the US to deal with a pandemic properly, the saved lives would be 28K yearly, plus a few hundred thousand from the pandemic.

This leaves out people committing suicide, the highest incarceration rate in the world, the epidemic of drug abuse, the death and suffering from inflated drug prices, and all the suffering caused by massive income inequality.

At the most conservative estimate, if you overthrew the current order at the cost of 100,000 lives, it would pay back in five to six years.


Thread recording every known R9X Hellfire strike

The AGM-114R-9X is an inert variant of the AGM-114 Hellfire” developed by Lockheed that is meant to reduce risk of civilian casualties while using pop-out blades to maintain lethality.

This thread will now lay out known and suspected R9X strikes in chronological order.


Bollard: Crash- and Attack-Resistant Models

Crash-rated barrier systems have been crash-tested and certified by a participating independent crash test facility. The tests are set up to ASTM or DoS specifications. Barrier system installation must replicate the testing design foundation, bollard spacing and number, beam lengths, etc., to be considered crash-rated. Manufacturers will have a certification letter from an independent testing organization, stating the barrier has passed the ASTM/DoS requirements for a certain vehicle type/weight, speed, and penetration level. Manufacturers also provide a dimensional drawing of the as-tested” barrier system.

Infrastructure Strategy

Roundup: The top pursuit-ending tools for cops

Pursuit policies need to be all-encompassing and integrated, covering the circumstances under which the pursuit is undertaken, and including the measures that may be used to end it and when they can be deployed. Training should be ongoing, not limited to a few hours in the academy or an in-service block. Policies and methods are good material for roll-call training. When there is an occasional quiet shift or training day, consider breaking out the tire spikes or other gear for some refresher work in the field.

Counter Training

Insurgencies: Parallels between the Causes and Means of the American War for Independence and Afghanistan

Abstract : The American Revolutionary War is one of the most famous and successful insurgencies, yet has rarely been used as a case study for why an insurgency has succeeded. Afghanistan in the post-9/11 era faces an insurgency from numerous groups that threaten the stability and legitimacy of the Karzai government, and the resolve of the Western coalition. Acknowledging the dangers of templating one conflict on another, this paper will identify the shared causes behind the two insurgencies and will highlight the shared means by which the two conflicts kept/keep their insurgencies alive. In terms of causes, it will discuss cultural, political, and economic ideologies, as well as the referent power of vocal leaders. In terms of methods and means, it will address propaganda and information operations, use of the coercive militia force, external support, vilification of public figures, education of the masses, strategies of home front exhaustion, cultural identity, a security void, and a duty to fight. The paper does not prescribe definitive strategies for success in Afghanistan, but concludes with suggested areas of further research, emphasizing the importance of a shared struggle for identity. In the end, the similarities between the insurgencies are abundant, and an assessment of parallel critical factors is appropriate.
