
Tear Gassing by Remote Control. December 2015.

This report highlights the ongoing development, testing, production and promotion by a range of State and commercial entities of a wide variety of remote control” RCA means of delivery including: indoor fixed installation RCA dispersion devices; external area clearing or area denial devices; automatic grenade launchers; multiple munition launchers; delivery mechanisms on unmanned ground vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Counter Riot

Satanic panic: how British agents stoked supernatural fears in Troubles

Wallace told Jenkins that they deliberately stoked up a satanic panic from 1972 to 1974, even placing black candles and upside-down crucifixes in derelict buildings in some of Belfast’s war zones.

Then, army press officers leaked stories to newspapers about black masses and satanic rituals taking place from republican Ardoyne in north Belfast to the loyalist-dominated east of the city.

Counter Propaganda

Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 26: COVID-19, Revolutionaries and BACRIM in Colombia

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the seams in the varied relationships between the state and organized crime. In Latin America, criminal armed groups (CAGs) including Mexican cartels, Brazilian prison-street gang complexes, along with maras in El Salvador (and throughout the Northern Triangle of Central America — NTCA) have exploited the situation to further their goals. Similar situations have been seen among mafias in Italy and gangs in South Africa.

Counter Organization

The Boogaloo Movement Is Not What You Think

Open source materials suggest that, for now, the apocalyptic, anti-government politics of the Boogaloo Bois” are not monolithically racist/neo-Nazi. As we have observed, some members rail against police shootings of African Americans, and praise black nationalist self defense groups.

But the materials also demonstrate that however irony-drenched it may appear to be, this is a movement actively preparing for armed confrontation with law enforcement, and anyone else who would restrict their expansive understanding of the right to bear arms. In a divided, destabilized post-coronavirus landscape, they could well contribute to widespread violence in the streets of American cities.

Insurrectionism Organization

How To Shoot Long Range — The Guns

I do want to make it clear at the outset that nicer equipment doesn’t necessarily mean you will hit your target at distance. The fundamentals of marksmanship are far more important, and we will get into that later in the series.

How To Shoot Long Range — The Optics

I am not saying there is only one right answer to the scope question, but there are bright, clear, and non-mushy winners. The funny thing is, brand loyalty in the scope market is fierce. Similar to my previous How To Shoot Long Range article on choosing a rifle, I will give you three categories in optics and let you and/or your budget decide what’s best for you.

How To Shoot Long Range — The Accessories

In this installment, I will throw out a few of the commonly used accessories that I see being used by Precision Rifle Series (PRS) competitors and precision rifle enthusiasts.

Weapons Training

The US Military Is Monitoring Protests in 7 States

In addition to Minnesota, where a Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd, the military is tracking uprisings in New York, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona, Tennessee, and Kentucky, according to a Defense Department situation report. Notably, only Minnesota has requested National Guard support.

Counter Security