
Gauging the Commitment of Clandestine Group Members

This thesis uses Decision Analysis principles, specifically a Value-Focused Thinking-like approach, to develop an initial hierarchical model of significant factors influencing an individual s commitment to a terrorist organization, or any clandestine group of violent extremists. Individuals are evaluated and scored according to the model to identify exploitable vulnerabilities in their commitment level. This information is then used to identify fissures of the entire organization that can be used to diminish the cohesion of the group.

Counter Organization

A Military Theory for Destroying Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Organizations

This paper posits that the clandestine organization within the insurgent and terrorist movement is the critical component for long-term survival or protractedness, and thus the greatest practitioner and benefactor of ambiguity. If all else fails, and the overt forces are destroyed, the clandestine organization achieves the strategic logic of winning by not losing.

Counter Organization Strategy

To keep drones out of high-risk areas, companies try hijacking them and shooting them down

Those concerns are heightened by high-profile incidents such as the near collision in March of a drone and a Lufthansa jet approaching Los Angeles International Airport. In 2013 a drone crash landed in front of German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a campaign event, and a quadcopter crashed on the White House lawn in 2015.

Defense giants Boeing Co. and Lockheed Martin Corp., as well as a handful of start-ups, have jumped into the fray, developing technology ranging from detection systems to more disruptive solutions such as software that forces unauthorized drones to go home or land safely and laser cannons that shoot unwanted drones out of the sky.

Counter Weapons

Race War Preppers

The word acceleration” gets bandied about, most often by Norman, who foresees a chain of events that ultimately leads to collapse of the System.” He predicts the imminent passage of gun control and hate speech laws, which will in turn drive radicalization and insurrection. These are measures we should expect and even welcome as positive indicators,” he writes.

In April, two months before launching The Base, Norman laid out his grand strategy in a a series of short videos titled Guerrilla Warfare Theory.” Reciting a Cliff Notes version of Mao Zedong, Norman says guerrillas only need to inflict enough damage through sustained operations” to force concessions. … Norman envisions a white nationalist IRA, a guerrilla army that will bomb ZOG into capitulation.

But the main purpose of The Base is to facilitate real-life meet-ups of action-oriented” white nationalists to build interpersonal ties as the basis for future organized armed struggle. The network holds regional activity contests” where members are encouraged to go out in the woods and practice survival skills or engage in arms training.

Insurrectionism Organization Strategy

Theresa May D-Notice to not report on #GiletsJaunes protests.

I work at media city (BBC) North of Manchester. I can absolutely confirm that the British media has been handed a D-Notice (legal gagging order to prevent reporting on inflammatory’ incidents such as injured/killed protestors, not allowed to even mention the word France’ or Frenche’ on the main page of the BBC news website) against reporting on the Yellow Jackets for national security’ reasons. It’s not fully legally binding but the director general has enforced the D-Notice.

The government is treating this as a security threat to all European governments and are trying to prevent a European Spring’ type situation and preparing multiple pre-written stories incase a major incident forces them to break the D-Notice and it involves framing it as far right, portraying the violence as perpetrated by FN-supporters, Russian fake news fueling it etc.

A big spider-web diagram brief on a projector is in the world politics writers room pre-empting what type of incident might occur and what pre-written articles will follow. Large unarmed civilian deaths’ is on a red diamond occur it lights up the lines narratives in green circles, if the mass police defections diamond lights up it goes to a different circuit of narratives. They’ve assigned a social media team to update the projector board in realtime. This level of pressuring is fucking unprecedented even compared to 2014 and 2015.

Counter Propaganda Riot

The Unlikely New Generation of Unabomber Acolytes

Quietly, often secretly, whether they gather it from the air of this anxious era or directly from the source like Jacobi did, more and more people have been having Kaczynski Moments. Books and webzines with names like Against Civilization, FeralCulture, Unsettling America, and the Ludd-Kaczynski Institute of Technology have been spreading versions of his message across social-media forums from Reddit to Facebook for at least a decade, some attracting more than 100,000 followers. They cluster around a youthful nickname, anti-civ,” some drawing their ideas directly from Kaczynski, others from movements like deep ecology, anarchy, primitivism, and nihilism, mixing them into new strains. Although they all believe industrial civilization is in a death spiral, most aren’t trying to hurry it along. One exception is Deep Green Resistance, an activist network inspired by a 2011 book of the same name that includes contributions from one of Kaczynski’s frequent correspondents, Derrick Jensen. The group’s openly stated goal, like Kaczynski’s, is the destruction of civilization and a return to preagricultural ways of life.

Organization Strategy