The word “acceleration” gets bandied about, most often by Norman, who foresees a chain of events that ultimately leads to collapse of the “System.” He predicts the imminent passage of gun control and hate speech laws, which will in turn drive radicalization and insurrection. “These are measures we should expect and even welcome as positive indicators,” he writes.
In April, two months before launching The Base, Norman laid out his grand strategy in a a series of short videos titled “Guerrilla Warfare Theory.” Reciting a Cliff Notes version of Mao Zedong, Norman says guerrillas only need to inflict enough damage through “sustained operations” to force concessions. … Norman envisions a white nationalist IRA, a guerrilla army that will bomb “ZOG” into capitulation.
But the main purpose of The Base is to facilitate real-life meet-ups of “action-oriented” white nationalists to build interpersonal ties as the basis for future organized armed struggle. The network holds regional “activity contests” where members are encouraged to go out in the woods and practice survival skills or engage in arms training.
Insurrectionism Organization Strategy